A Level Options: Art

Entry Requirements

Grade 6-9 at GCSE

The Art and Design course is a two-year linear course.

Why study this subject?

A Level Art and Design is for students who have an interest in the visual arts and who want the opportunity to develop and express their own ideas. It is also necessary for students who wish to study Architecture and Design Engineering at University. The course gives skills to enjoy, engage and produce visual arts – tools that are crucial for those who wish to pursue a career in the art, craft, design, architecture or visual media. It also promotes independent decision making, analysis and problem solving.

What will I study and learn?

A Level Art is a broad and flexible course.

Throughout this course students will:

  • develop, review and refine ideas
  • analyse contextual and other sources to inform personal investigations
  • explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes.
  • record ideas, observations and insights
  • present personal and meaningful responses.

How will I be assessed?

Personal Investigation – Coursework
This component is worth 60% of the A Level.
Students are required to produce a portfolio of practical and written work based on personal starting points.
Externally Set Assignment – (ESA)
This component is worth 40% of the A Level.

Future opportunities (degrees and careers)

This course prepares students with communication and critical thinking, problem solving – all of which prepare students for further study and the world of work.

For students who wish to pursue a career in the creative industries, the next step is likely to be a Foundation Degree course followed by an undergraduate degree course in fields such as Product Design, Fine Art, Fashion design or Illustration. Other career opportunities are Architecture, design Engineering, Animation, Media Studies.