IGCSE Options

Where am I?

British Education Timeline
Year 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Key Stage Key Stage 3 Key Stage 4 Key Stage 5
Exams   (I)GCSE A Levels

Compulsory Subjects

All students take these subjects:

  • Mathematics
  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • French
  • Lengua Española / Spanish
  • Sociales
  • PE

Optional Subjects

You must choose five subjects from the following list:

There may be the possibility of offering a combined science course for those candidates who are not thinking of studying a science at A Level and who do not feel they are suited to studying single sciences.

You must talk to the people around you, especially…

  • Your parents
  • Form teachers
  • Subject teachers and other members of staff
  • Older pupils at the school

You can find specific information about the IGCSE courses offered at the school on the Cambridge International Students page.

Please remember…

  • Not studying a subject at IGCSE level usually excludes the possibility of continuing it at A Level​
  • At least one science subject (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) must be chosen.
  • At least one Humanities subject (History and Geography) must be chosen You can also choose both too.
  • IGCSE Chemistry is helpful if you are thinking of doing A Level Biology.
  • There are no “easy” IGCSEs.
  • You should not choose a course because your friends are choosing it, or because you like the teacher. You are likely to find yourself in a different group to your friends with a different teacher!