Going to Spanish universities


  • To go to a Spanish university students need a minimum of three A levels at E grade or above.
  • A maximum of four A levels will be counted. These can give students a mark of ten points.
  • Three A levels at A* grade can give a total score of 8.41.
  • If a student needs to gain a mark of more than 10 points to access a public university, they will have to ask for the “reconocimiento” through UNEDASISS or take the PCE (Pruebas de Competencia Específicas).
  • Spanish A level counts for medicine, economics and engineering, as well as other degrees.
  • Biology and Chemistry A level are needed to sit medicine in a public university.
  • Students obtain their mark (credencial de acceso) through UNEDASISS with their estimated grades after their March mocks exams (2023).
  • Private universities hold their own entrance system.
  • Comillas (ICADE, ICAI), Navarra (Medicine) and others: students have to pass their entrance exam.
  • Universities will look at grades from Year 10.
  • British and Spanish educational authorities are looking into following this post Brexit entrance system after 2023 and are in the process of reaching an agreement over this.
  • Convalidation and homologation (título de bachiller) from the British system into the Spanish are done at school as well as the Credencial de Acceso.